Η εξώγαμη κόρη του Πρίγκιπα Αλβέρτου του Μονακό δίνει μάχη με τον κορωνοϊό ένα μήνα μετά την εκδήλωση της ασθένειας - Το μανιφέστο για τα γυναικεία δικαιώματα

Nόσησε πριν αρκετό καιρό από τον ιό... 

Ένα μήνα μετά την αποκάλυψη ότι είχε προσβληθεί από covid-19, η Jazmin Grace Grimaldi εξακολουθεί να "πολεμά" με την ασθένεια. Αποκάλυψε αυτή τη φορά ότι νοσηλεύτηκε στο νοσοκομείο και μίλησε για το πρόβλημα που της δημιουργήθηκε στον δεξιό της πνεύμονα. 

Γιορτάζοντας την Τρίτη, 18 Αυγούστου 2020, την 100ή επέτειο η οποία δίνει το δικαίωμα ψήφου στις γυναίκες, η Jazmin Grace Grimaldi μίλησε για την κατάσταση της υγείας της.



I am proud to be a woman. I am never going to throw away my right to vote or disrespect my female ancestors who took a stand. Today we celebrate 100 years since the 19th amendment was passed so that women could vote! I am happy to announce I sent in my absentee ballot today, GO ? VOTE! Those of you may know I have been struggling with my Health due to Covid. My immunity may be knocked down for a little while longer but my spirit is high, I’m a strong woman, I’m a survivor. I am happy to admit I’m out of the hospital and now I am home on this winding road to recovery. However, I was admitted to the hospital over the weekend because my symptoms continued to worsen since I last checked in on Friday. I developed a chicken pox like rash and continued having uncomfortable body aches with longer severe pain by my lungs /rib cage, flashes of fever, and debilitating migraines. I had a series of tests taken: blood work, urine test and chest X-ray. My white blood cells and my lymphocytes are low and my CRP aka inflammation in the body is higher than normal which are all indicators of the Covid virus still affecting the body. Regardless, if I continue to carry the same strain or have a new one my body is in fact still fighting the virus. I have been put on antibiotics for possible covid related pneumonia caught in the early stages and due to a small nodule found on my right lung which could be from Covid damage too. I will get a check up again in a few weeks and continue to monitor my symptoms. The doctors are still learning and confessed they have seen other cases similar to mine. I am beyond frustrated and just want my body to find peace and comfort. The pain is so uncomfortable and debilitating and there is not much to do but to rest, and ice packs for some relief. I am sharing my story so that all of you can be aware and maybe share in similar symptoms. The Covid virus is so strong and mysterious. I know we are all over talking about Covid, hearing about Covid and living in fear or disbelief of this virus. Believe me I am more than ready to be done myself but unfortunately I have no choice. Listen to your body! Protect yourself, to protect others.Take care!

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη JazminGraceGrimaldi (@jazmingrimaldi) στις




Ένα μήνα μετά την αποκάλυψη ότι είχε προσβληθεί από τον κορωνοϊό, η κόρη του πρίγκιπα Αλβέρτου του Μονακό εξήγησε στους followers της στο Instagram ότι εξακολουθεί να ταλαιπωρείται από τον ιό. 

«Είμαι μια δυνατή γυναίκα (...). Είμαι στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας πω ότι τώρα έφυγα από το νοσοκομείο και επέστρεψα στο σπίτι για να συνεχίσω την ανάρρωσή μου. Έκανα εισαγωγή στο νοσοκομείο το Σαββατοκύριακο καθώς τα συμπτώματά μου συνέχισαν να χειροτερεύουν. 



?? #tbt to my first and hopefully last Covid Test! It has been 28 days since I first felt my Covid symptoms , 22 days since I got tested and 17 days since I received the call that I tested positive for covid! These past few months coexisting with Covid and living during a pandemic has been the most surreal journey and these past few weeks recovering from a mysterious life threatening virus has surely been a challenge. However, this time we have all been living in has been a true gift filled with so many valueable life lessons. Some days have certainly been better than others and in my personal experience the symptoms strike back again out of no where but I know I’m healing! Remember God doesn’t give you more than you can handle! I am doing my best to embrace these present moments and learn from them. I am a believer in trying to find the positivity amongst the madness and reflect. I am so thankful for the daily blessings that are given and for all the knowledge and wisdom being shed. We have the power to rise above and change what is not serving us ALL! “The life we live is the lesson we teach.” - @jimkwik ? I know this video is not the most pleasant but I wanted to show the reality of Covid testing. I want to especially THANK the incredible healthcare workers who are continually sacrificing their time and well being during this pandemic to help us all. I’m so thankful I was able to get tested and treated back to good health! ??? #covidtesting #covidpandemic #pandemic #wearamask #covid #health

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη JazminGraceGrimaldi (@jazmingrimaldi) στις




Wax on wax off ... are you riding the waves of life? Deviating a bit from the script and normal broadcast to ?celebrate #summersolstice #midsommar and #internationalsurfingday ! I hope you can take a moment this weekend to check in with your self and ground. Dedicate an hour at least to doing something you love that brings you joy, get some fresh air, get your blood pumping and do something that makes your heart sing! The beach is my happy place and the waves refresh me, mind and body. Surfing is a beautiful way of life and I’m so thankful to reconnect to it again. It teaches you patience, persistence and balance. Even courage to stand, to be vulnerable and fearful of the opportunity to rise or fall but it’s exhilarating to nevertheless take the plunge and try. You are at the mercy of Mother Nature. We are all on a journey catching waves everyday that propel us forward ,draw us back or completely wipe us out but when we find that perfect harmonious union gliding alongside freedom we have found our tiny yet mighty moment of bliss in this life. Life continues, time goes on and tides are always moving. Taking a moment to honor Nature, as she’s constantly healing us, providing therapy and bountiful blessings everyday. ??We all deserve to calm our nervous systems and simply be. Fun fact #Jaws is celebrating 45 years! Sharks are friends though??it’s hard for me to not associate summer with the ocean and beach time. Happy First day of summer everyone! ?????????????????‍♀️?‍♀️??‍♀️?? #behappy #mentalhealthcheck #happiness #dowhatyoulove #beach #timeoff #summer #relax #surfing #surfergirl #surfsup #hangten #modernsurfboards #modernsurfboardslovechild #lovechild

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη JazminGraceGrimaldi (@jazmingrimaldi) στις




I have been very fortunate to experience a lot of love growing up, and I have been extremely blessed to have two Father figures in my life. I have led a private unique life and with that comes vulnerabilities, but one thing I know for certain is that sharing love and appreciation should never be an apology. I’m so thankful for all that these two men have done, for their continuous love, protection, guidance, teachings and all they have sacrificed and accomplished! I respect and admire them both so much, and I only hope I make them as proud. Along with my beautiful mother they have both helped shape the young woman I am today. The greatest similarity they share is their abundant heart ❤️. The beauty in our relationships, as different as they may be at times is that we are still learning from one another daily and have such an effortless strength in our growing daddy daughter relationships. I couldn’t be more proud to be their daughter and celebrate them on this day. I miss them and hope to reunite soon! Sending lots of love to all the Fathers out there, biological and heaven sent. There is a precious sacred bond between a daddy and a daughter that can never be broken. Here’s to the men that are great fathers, biological or not that help shape lives, mentor, inspire and nurture young souls. I am in awe of the dedication and unconditional love parents have for their young especially single mothers and fathers that take on both roles. Never forget you are worthy of love and acceptance in all forms, it is your birthright. Love is love, love has no label and the soul knows no difference. Thank you ❤️ pops and daddio this ones for you! #happyfathersday #happydadsday #fatherdaughter #Father #dad

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη JazminGraceGrimaldi (@jazmingrimaldi) στις


Έχω βγάλει ένα εξάνθημα τύπου ανεμοβλογιάς και συνέχισα να αισθάνομαι πόνους στο σώμα με μεγαλύτερο, πιο σοβαρό πόνο στους πνεύμονες και τα πλευρά μου. Είχα πυρετό και ημικρανίες. Μου έδωσαν αντιβιοτικά για πιθανή εμφάνιση πνευμονίας (... ) λόγω ενός μικρού οζιδίου που βρέθηκε στο δεξί μου πνεύμονα που θα μπορούσε επίσης να προκληθεί από βλάβη από τον κορωνοϊό.





So proud to be apart of the first Hollywood for the Global Oceans Gala last night in LA alongside my Father. My Father, Prince Albert II of Monaco was honored for his commitment with his foundation @fondationprincealbert2 to act against the environmental dangers threatening our planet and make populations vulnerable. The foundation focuses it’s efforts on domains of action in climate change, biodiversity and water resources and funds initiatives in the fields of research and studies through technological innovation and socially aware practices. The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is taking action to curb the issues of climate change by promoting a sustainable ocean, finding scientific solutions and work with communities to adapt and maintain coral reef conservation, development of marine protected areas, starting the beyond plastic med initiative to fight against plastic pollution, protection of endangered species, promoting and guiding marine sectors towards better strategies for sustainable marine practices, awareness, education and increase knowledge in developing tools of action to protect biodiversity. We must not be ignorant of the dangers we are facing and take action to save our planet today! Thank you to @sharonstone @umathurman @mrodofficial @chrisisaak @macygray @simondepury and @chopard for all your support last night! Dress by @naeemkhannyc Photos by @gettyimages and @davebenett ?? #hollywoodforglobaloceangala #globaloceangala #princealbertofmonaco #monaco #princealbertiiofmonacofoundation #saveourplanet #sustainability #climateaction #fridaysforfuture #oceanpreservation

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη JazminGraceGrimaldi (@jazmingrimaldi) στις


Θα κάνω ένα άλλο τεστ σε λίγες εβδομάδες και θα συνεχίσω να παρακολουθώ τα συμπτώματά μου. Οι γιατροί εξακολουθούν να μαθαίνουν για την ασθένεια και μου έχουν πει ότι έχουν δει κι άλλες περιπτώσεις παρόμοιες με τη δική μου», σημείωσε σε μια φωτογραφία που ανέβασε στα social media, όπου βρίσκεται στο κρεβάτι του νοσοκομείου.

Να σημειωθεί πως και ο πατέρας της Πρίγκιπας Αλβέρτος νόσησε από τον Covid, μέσα στην Άνοιξη. 

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