Σπαρακτικές εικόνες: Οδυρώμενοι οι συγγενείς των νεκρών από τον Έμπολα, τους αποχαιρετούν απο μακριά καθώς ο αριθμός των θυμάτων απο τον θανατηφόρο ιό έφτασε τους 4033!

Grief-stricken: These photos, taken by photographers John Moore and Mohammed Elshamy, show the grim reality of the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, West Africa. Above, a woman crawls toward the body of her sister as an Ebola burial team takes it away for cremation

Beyond pain: In this image, Varney Jonson, 46, is seen crying out in pain as crews - donning white overalls, gloves and goggles - transport the body of his wife, Nama Fambule, to a crematorium following a year-long illness that he insists was not Ebola-related

Spreading through West Africa: Children pass an Ebola burial team as it collects the body of a female victim in New Kru Town, Liberia

At work: Soldiers from the Liberian Army's 1st Engineer Company are seen welding a fencepost at the site of an Ebola treatment center

Charity: Unicef and partner agencies are distributing Ebola protection kits to help Liberian families avoid contracting the virus from sick loved ones in their homes, before they can get an open bed at an Ebola treatment center. Above, a Unicef warehouse in Liberia
Wrapped in a blanket: The pictures show the brutal effects of the virus on victims and their loved ones. Above, a victim's body
Wailing: In this photo, a woman clings on to a grieving relative as she wails loudly while lying on the ground next to a body truck
Horrific: Mr Moore and Mr Elshamy spent weeks working on the front lines of the fight against Ebola in a bid to capture the images
Upset: As the proper burial of loved ones is so important in Liberian culture, the removal of infected bodies for incineration is all the more traumatic for surviving family members. Many relatives attempt to convince burial teams to leave the bodies behind
Body truck: An Ebola burial team removes the body of Nama Fambule for cremation on Saturday in Monrovia, Liberia. Relatives and neighbors said that she had been sick for more than a year with an undiagnosed illness and protested her body being taken away
Πηγή: Dailymail.co.uk

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